What follows is an I.M. conversation (slighly edited) that I had last night with my very old and dear friend, B.A., who, from here on out will be known as B.A. Baracus in honor of the great Mr. T. (Baracus for short.)
WARNING: If you have children and DO NOT HAVE A SENSE OF HUMOR, skip this one. You'll hate me forever after you read this. If you do read it, know that it was a conversation all in good fun by two childless-by-choice women.
Also, I don't know how to get rid of the urls. Sorry.
oh for crissakes
this is such a baby obsessed culture
when did this happen?
tell me about it
are you kidding me?
It's been happening
where have you been?
I would love, though, for people to stop reproducing at such an alarming rate
in my 20's, no one was talking about / caring about babies in the same way
now it's like = some expensive purse everyone MUST have
you know, I think you're right....my 20s too
I had ONE friend in my 20s who had a kid
and now she's a lesbian and the kid's a teenager
there weren't the celebrity baby bump things
you're right...it's that celebrity thing
I always thought it looked miserable, being a mom.
GD:it is...first you gain a ton of weight, then the baby sits on some part of your body to cause irreversible damage, then you give birth and have to get an episiostomy (which still makes me sick just thinking about it)
and then the thing cries all the time and you don't sleep more than 2 hours at a time
(which, by the way, is the ultimate dealbreaker for me)
me too
then it eats only soft food and you can't feed it honey
then it cries incessantly
(oh I already said that)
and it poos
and poos
and it POOS
and then it throws it's food
and then it starts to walk and wreaks havoc
and then it climbs and eats all your anti-depressants
right and then it becomes a teenager and you wonder why you didn't just eat it when it was born
then you send it to college and when it graduates, it moves back in with you thereby wrecking what was left of your sex life, which was probably already ruined when you couldn't lose all the extra baby weight and you spent so much time with the kid and not your husband that your husband stepped out, so to speak, and you haven't trusted him since
(it was at this point that the conversation stopped and Baracus encouraged me to post it...blame her)
Child-free and lovin' it FTW! :)