Friday, February 5, 2016

Giant Dwarf vs. Zombies

Well, I just fell down the internet rabbit hole again.  One hour wasting time reading Facebook posts when I should have been doing something - anything - more productive.  So, since I'm logged on anyway, here's a new blog post.

The Spazz will never forgive me for this one, so hopefully he won't read it.  Here's my latest spousal observation and reason #52 as to why I love my husband:  he scoffs at my TV shows then becomes utterly obsessed with the story lines. 

Allow me to explain:

It started with Sex and the City and having cable TV for the first time in 15 years.  When the Spazz and I moved in together, we got a full cable package and, at that time, one of the networks (maybe E!?) was airing mini-marathons of SATC.  How could I not watch?  These were my girls!  As I was watching it, the Spazz came into the living room and made many dismissive comments about the show.  As he piddled around in our tiny, tiny kitchen (with a direct view of the TV), he started making comments and observations about the characters (he really cannot wrap his head around Samantha's overt sexuality, he thinks Charlotte is too shallow and picky, and he rather likes Carrie and Miranda).  A few episodes went by and he was extremely involved in the various stories.  And a few episodes later?

"I'm really craving a Cosmopolitan right now."

As the Spazz would say himself, I shit you not.

We actually made some Cosmos and sat back down to enjoy some more episodes.

Then I got into RuPaul's Drag Race.  Okay, this is a tough one for the Spazz.  He is ardently heterosexual and a surfer, which, if you know both kinds of guys, makes him not want to admit that he watches a show about drag queens.  So, again, every time I put on the show, the Spazz waves his hand at the TV, saying "not this again!"

And then, by the end of the show, he is deeply invested in who is forced to "sashay away."  He marvels at RuPaul's costumes and wigs...and sheer height.  He even sometimes can't believe that some of the drag queens are really men (though most people would agree that Courtney Act could fool almost everyone).

I also fell victim to the awful SATC prequel show, The Carrie Diaries.  Again, the Spazz joined in at the beginning and then in the last episodes, totally asking me who was who and then commenting on the show's plot line, warning characters not to do "that" before they did it, and then asking when the next episode airs after he viewed the very last one.

I'm sorry to say that I do not reciprocate.  I enjoy some of his TV shows, but most of his movies are horrible, violence-filled action-adventures with silly scripts.  His ultimate failure in engaging my interest?  The Walking Dead.  I just could not get into it.

Here's why:  I hate zombies.  They are my least favorite monster.  They have no soul or inner lives, like vampires or Frankenstein's monster.  They have no good backstory, like a werewolf.  They're just stupid undead monsters with avulsions all over their bodies.

And I hate avulsions.  They make my skin crawl.  I work in an emergency department, and I've seen lots of things, but avulsions creep me out.  Ugh, I'm feeling nauseous just writing this.  And that image is disgusting.

So zombie shows are out.  Sorry Spazz.  There are just some parts of a relationship that cannot go both ways. 

Now, let's cuddle, make some tea, and watch our DVR'ed episode of Downton Abbey.

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